Amazing.! Donald Trump becomes president twice.

 Will President Trump receive the Nobel Peace Prize?

President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
I think so.
Trump was a businessman, and he is also a very rich person.
As a real estate tycoon, Trump became famous around the world by making the American reality TV show a success.
I was quite surprised when he was elected president of the United States with his huge wealth.
He had actions and words that were unpredictable.
Trump, being a businessman by nature, seems to make quick and wise decisions.
He was especially a president who tried to work on denuclearizing North Korea.
So, I think he will make a lot of efforts to denuclearize North Korea this time as well.
During President Trump’s term in 2016, African leader Abiy Ahmed received the Nobel Peace Prize.
It is hard to understand why he received it.
This time, Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
It will not be easy because of the war in Russia.
On the other hand, if he ends the Russia war, he would truly be a great person.
He would be a historical figure, and of course, he would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
In his current election promises, he also said he would end the Russia war.
He really seems like an amazing person.
Great people show it in their habits.
Trump says he does not drink alcohol or smoke.
Trump’s brother was a very capable person, but he watched him drink alcohol, smoke, and use drugs.
That’s why he says he will never drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs.
This also seems amazing.
These are things we should learn from.
It feels good that a great person is becoming president.
I really hope he receives the Nobel Peace Prize.




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